Drew showed up with his girlfriend Ashley sometime Saturday afternoon...just in enough time to contribute bass and vocals to Deathbed. They slept in the control room and I don't know which one it was, but one of them snored awfully the whole time we did the Black overdubs. We didn't get a lot of photos of Drew for the site, but he is in a couple videos as well, and as easy going as he is, I'm sure he won't mind.

There were also some moments that I can no longer remember when they precisely happened in the blur of 4 days in the big room, the small room, and the smaller room. The real Slow Nerve Action drums dubbed in God Is A Bullet, the really surreal-as-always no dubs live take of Marooned Spaceman, the lasting F# piano chord that ends Black and the A Night On Mars studio record. I hope whoever reads this and/or hears our record enjoys it as much as we all do. Thanks.

July 22, 2003
